First Upload

This is the launch of Ama-GONE Prime 2 and my very first game on! Super stoked to have started my own page and I'm looking forward to filling it. It's not the first game I've made before, but it's the first of my own I'd be comfortable sharing with the public. It's also the first game I've made in the Godot 4 engine and it's helped me learn a lot about it. That being said, there's still more I'd want to put into this game. For one, the lag spikes are crazy at first, despite it running fine locally. Secondly, there's no gameplay loop. If I were to really flesh this idea out, I'd want to give the player a reason to keep delivering packages by expanding the levels, giving them currency to then buy ship upgrades and improving enemy AI and design. Maybe that will come in the future...

Files 14 MB
4 days ago

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